Vienna Theory Lunch Seminar

by Florian Ecker (TU), Christopher Lieberum (UV), Florian Lindenbauer (TU) and Maximilian Ofner (UV)

Tuesdays 12:30-13:45

held alternately at:

TU Wien (TU): Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, yellow area, 10th floor, seminar room DB10E11

University of Vienna (UV): Boltzmanngasse 5, 5th floor, Schrödinger Lecture Hall

We thank our kind sponsors:

Faculty of Physics, TU

Faculty of Physics, UV



Nach pandemiebedingter Pause wollen wir das Vienna theory lunch seminar wiedererwecken, das aktuelle Themen der Theoretischen Physik, die von DiplomandInnen, DoktorandInnen und PostDocs behandelt werden, aufgreift.

Das Niveau soll so gewählt werden, dass jeder Student und jede Studentin am Beginn des Masterstudiums dem Vortrag folgen kann. BachelorstudentInnen können besonders von dem Seminar profitieren, da es ihnen ermöglicht einen Eindruck in die Forschungsarbeit beider Universitäten zu erhalten. Die Vortragenden werden dabei auch ermutigt darüber zu sprechen, warum sie ein gewisses Forschungsgebiet gewählt haben. Dabei dürfen durchaus offene Fragen und Probleme behandelt werden und es ist nicht notwendig einen Vortrag über eine "perfekte", abgeschlossene Arbeit zu halten.

Damit es zu keinem "Zeitverlust" kommt, wird Mittagessen (Pizza) gratis zur Verfügung gestellt.

After a break due to the pandemic we want to revive the Vienna theory lunch seminar. The focus is on recent theoretical research done by Master students, PhDs and PostDocs.

The seminar is designed for graduate students but should also be comprehensible to advanced undergraduate students. Undergraduate students are particularly encouraged to attend so that they receive an overview of research activities conducted at both universities. Speakers are also encouraged to focus on their motivation for choosing their particular topic and to present open questions.

In order to avoid any "loss of time" we provide a free lunch (pizza).

Wie kann ich teilnehmen?

How can I join?

Einfach erscheinen! Um per Email informiert zu werden, bitte in die Mailingliste eintragen.

Just attend! To receive informations via email register for the Mailinglist.

Mar 5 2024


Tim Lüders
(Uni Wien)

The functorial axiomatization of topological quantum field theory

In this talk, I will give a lightning introduction to topological quantum field theory in its functorial axiomatization, due to Atiyah and Segal. We start by exploring the very basics of the mathematical discipline of category theory, which will then be used as a convenient tool to package essential properties of Feynman’s path integral into a mathematically rigorous framework. Examples of physical theories that can be described in this setting include Chern-Simons theory as well as topological sigma and state sum models. I will finish the talk by mentioning several natural generalizations of the introduced mathematical structures, and what physical interest each of them carries.

Mar 12 2024


Rektorstag Uni Wien


Mar 19 2024


Mario Hudelist
(Uni Wien)

Space-time curvature-induced corrections to Rytov's law in optical fibers

According to Rytov's law, the polarization vector of light follows a Fermi-Walker transport equation in optical fibers. Recent advancements in theory propose a modification to Rytov's law due to fiber bending. The aim of this talk is to further extend these predictions from flat to curved space-time. This involves perturbatively solving Maxwell's equations under the assumption that the wavelength is significantly shorter than the fiber radius, as well as the characteristic length-scales of the ambient space-time. This results in a coupling of the polarization vector to the Riemann curvature tensor.

Mar 26 2024


Easter break


Apr 02 2024


Easter break


Apr 09 2024


Andreas Schmitt
(University of Southhampton)

Superconducting baryon crystal at strong magnetic field

Strongly interacting matter in extreme magnetic fields occurs in heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars and is of theoretical interest for the phase structure of Quantum Chromodynamics. It was previously found that a so-called Chiral Soliton Lattice is formed at sufficiently large magnetic fields and baryon chemical potentials. Using chiral perturbation theory and methods from ordinary type-II superconductivity I will discuss the instability of the Chiral Soliton Lattice and the resulting transition to a 3D crystalline structure. This structure is an inhomogeneous condensate of neutral and charged pions and thus a superconductor with spatially modulated magnetic field and, due to the axial anomaly, spatially modulated baryon number. I will also speculate what this new phase implies for the QCD phase structure.

Apr 16 2024


Paul Hotzy
(TU Wien)

Towards the computation of real-time observables in Yang-Mills theories on the lattice

Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) is one of the most successful methods for making non-perturbative predictions in high-energy physics. Despite its achievements, traditional computational techniques encounter limitations — arising from the notorious sign problem — when dealing with dynamic observables in physical time or at non-vanishing chemical potential. Our recent work focuses on the complex Langevin (CL) method, which aims to circumvent these challenges by generalizing the Stochastic Quantization approach. We have significantly improved and successfully applied CL to real-time SU(N) gauge theories on a 1+3 dimensional lattice for the first time. In this talk, I present our recent advances in calculating unequal-time correlation functions directly from first principles. These developments may lay the cornerstone for future applications of CL, enabling the computation of spectral functions and transport coefficients. These quantities are of high phenomenological interest in strongly interacting systems such as the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP).

Apr 23 2024


Argam Ohanyan
(Uni Wien)

Recent developments in non-smooth spacetime geometry

In Einstein's theory of General Relativity, nonsmooth phenomena naturally arise, e.g. in questions regarding the extendibility of spacetimes, geodesic singularities, or cosmic censorship. Recently, a new approach to spacetime geometry has gained significant popularity, i.e. the theory of Lorentzian length spaces. It is a new way to describe non-smooth spacetimes, and is very promising to deliver great insights, given the success of similar approaches in positive definite geometry (Alexandrov spaces, metric measure geometry, etc.). In this talk, we will introduce some of the basic notions in this theory and discuss recent progress.

Apr 30 2024


David Globosits
(TU Wien)

A Photonic Floquet Scattering Matrix for Wavefront-Shaping in Time-Periodic Media

The physics of waves in time-varying media provides numerous opportunities for wave control that are unattainable with static media. In particular, Floquet systems with a periodic time modulation are currently of considerable interest. In my talk, I will demonstrate how the scattering properties of a finite Floquet medium can be correctly described by a static Floquet scattering matrix, which satisfies a pseudo-unitary relation. Using this Floquet scattering matrix, I will further show how one can identify light pulses that are optimally shaped both in their spatial and temporal degrees of freedom for the optical micromanipulation of time-varying media.

May 07 2024


Marius Oancea
(Uni Wien)

Gravitational memory effects for particles and wave packets

Gravitational waves can generally influence the dynamics of test objects with which they interact. Changes in the relative dynamics of test objects can persist even after the gravitational wave has passed and spacetime is again flat. These are generally referred to as gravitational memory effects, since the properties of the passing gravitational wave remain encoded in the relative dynamics of test objects. In this talk, I will discuss gravitational memory effects in plane wave spacetimes for different classes of test objects: particles following geodesics, spinning particles with non-geodesic motion, and test scalar fields. For all these objects, memory effects are encoded into a set of four memory tensors that depend on the gravitational wave profile. Joint work with Abraham Harte, Thomas Mieling, and Florian Steininger.

May 14 2024


Markus Leuthner
(TU Wien)

Longitudinal structure of relativistic heavy-ion collisions from the (3+1)D dilute Glasma

The (3+1)D dilute Glasma is a novel framework for the computation of rapidity-dependent early-time observables in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. First, I discuss the QCD phase diagram and the extremely successful class of experiments called heavy-ion collisions performed at RHIC and LHC. I then show how the Glasma, the first stage after a collision of relativistic nuclei, emerges in the Color Glass Condensate effective theory for high energy QCD. The dynamics of the Glasma are governed by the classical Yang-Mills equations, which I will solve for longitudinally extended sources, employing the dilute approximation. I obtain an analytic expression for the energy-momentum tensor of the Glasma as a function of rapidity. This opens up new insights into the longitudinal dynamics of the Glasma, which have previously been notoriously hard to simulate. Finally, I will show some numerical results for early-time observables in relativistic heavy-ion collisions obtained in the dilute Glasma framework.

May 21 2024




May 28 2024


Iva Lovrekovic
(TU Wien)

Asymptotic symmetries of new 3d conformal higher spin theories for low spins

We study asymptotic symmetries for 3d Chern-Simons theory as a gauge theory of so(3,2), sl_4 and sl_5 algebras. For the near horizon boundary conditions we present solutions from several projectors from Chern-Simons to the metric formulation. We also study the classification according to so(3,2) one parameter subgroups and classify obtained solutions.

Jun 04 2024


Tanmay Biswas
(TU Wien)

Phase separation dynamics in a binary mixtures of ultrasoft particles

Phase separation plays a crucial role in determining the self-assembly of biological and soft matter systems. In the former case, liquid-liquid phase separation inside a cell leads to the formation of various macromolecular aggregates. The interaction among these aggregates is soft and the particles are generally modelled by ultrasoft particles. We have studied the phase separation dynamics of binary mixture of ultrasoft particles (with species A and B). When quenched to a lower temperature below critical temperature, the system undergoes a phase separation into an A-and a B-rich phase. In detailed and extensive molecular dynamics simulations we have identified the critical point. When cooling the system the domains of the two components grow in a power-law manner with an exponent α = 1/3) which is consistent with the Lifshitz-Slyozov law. In a subsequent step we have exposed the system – as it is cooled down to low temperatures - to shear and have studied the stress response of the system to the these external forces; in their presence the domains grow with exponents α = 4/3 and α = 1/3 in the shear and the gradient direction, respectively. In particular we have analysed how spatial inhomogeneities (which are characteristic for the phase separation scenario) evolve under the shear forces.

Jun 11 2024


Matthias Ostermann
(Uni Wien)

CANCELLED: Unfortunately, the take has to be cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Stable blowup for wave maps and Yang-Mills models

The wave maps equation first appeared in particle physics as a nonlinear sigma model and the Yang-Mills equations originated from gauge theory for the strong interaction. They constitute prototypes of nonlinear geometric wave equations which, remarkably, have an explicit solution that forms a singularity in finite time. To determine the significance of these blowup solutions for the underlying dynamics, one studies their stability. In this talk, we give an elementary introduction to the mathematical analysis of blowup in both model equations and present some new stability results.

Jun 18 2024


Simon Panyella Pedersen
(TU Wien)

Analysing the optical nonlinearity of a cavity-like subwavelength atomic array

Sub-wavelength arrays of quantum emitters offer an interesting approach to coherent light-matter interfacing, using ultracold atoms or two-dimensional solid-state quantum materials. The combination of collectively suppressed photon-losses and emerging optical nonlinearities due to strong photon-coupling to mesoscopic numbers of emitters holds promise for generating nonclassical light and engineering effective interactions between freely propagating photons. In my talk I will describe the interaction between photons and a specific configuration of two-level atoms, namely two parallel 2D arrays individually acting like mirrors and together forming a cavity-like system. The long confinement of photons in this system results in an accumulation of correlation between the photons, revealing their strong effective interaction mediated by the atoms. While most studies have thus far relied on numerical simulations, I will furthermore describe a Green's function approach that permits analytical investigations of the nonlinear processes of the system. The approach yields intuitive insights into the nonlinear response of the system and offers a promising framework for a systematic development of a many-body theory for interacting photons and many-body effects on collective radiance in two-dimensional arrays of quantum emitters.

Jun 25 2024


Sukrut Mondkar
(Harishchandra Research Institute)

Learning holographic horizons

We apply machine learning to understand fundamental aspects of holo- graphic duality, specifically the entropies obtained from the apparent and event horizon areas. We show that simple features of only the time series of the pressure anisotropy can predict the areas of the apparent and event horizons in the dual bulk geometry at all times. Given that simple Vaidya-type metrics constructed just from the apparent and event horizon areas can be used to approximately obtain unequal time correlation functions, we argue that the corresponding entropy functions are the measures of information that need to be extracted from simple one-point functions to reconstruct specific aspects of correlation functions of the dual state with the best possible approximations.

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Current programme of the Vienna Theory Lunch Club